Bio-One of Columbia decontamination and biohazard cleaning services

Thank you for trusting us.
We're ready to serve you!

What's Next:

  • If this is an emergency, please call our office immediately for the quickest response possible 240-599-7722
  • One of our team members will contact you shortly to learn more about your needs and goals, and to schedule an estimate.
  • A remediation proposal will be created and tailored to your needs. The proposal will include estimated pricing, timelines, and processes.
  • Once the proposal is approved, our team of experienced and discreet professionals will get to work for you.
  • If needed, Bio-One of Columbia will also work directly with your insurance company and start the claim process for you.

You Can Count On

After 10+ years in this industry, we know what works

We’re Trained, Experienced, and Ready To Help

Bio-One Video
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